Articles on: Transactions

Transacting with Asset Inbox

What is Asset Inbox

Asset Inbox is a way to send anyone an asset, even if the wallet is not opted in. This helps the onboarding experience for Algorand because even people with 0 Algo in their wallet can start receiving Assets.

How does Asset Inbox work?

Asset Inbox works by using a Smart Contract as a middle man between the sender and your wallet. If you are trying to send someone an asset and they are not opted in, the option to send to their Asset Inbox will appear instead. When you send to their Asset Inbox, you will also be sending the fees to cover the cost of the user opting in.

Once an asset has been successfully sent to someone’s Asset Inbox, they have the ability to accept or reject the asset. If they accept, the asset is added to their wallet. If they reject, the asset is burned, but any remaining Algo will be claimed by the person rejecting the asset.

Can I send an asset to any wallet?

Yes, you can send to any wallet, but be careful. Only wallets with the ability to access their inbox will be able to claim it. If you send to a wallet that is controlled by a smart contract or a wallet controlled by a centralized or decentralized exchanged, your asset can be lost forever.

Please ensure the other party can claim the asset before sending it to someone's Asset Inbox.

Can I claim an asset from my inbox only on Pera?

No, Asset Inbox uses ARC-59, meaning that it is interoperable with the entire Algorand Ecosystem. Any dApp that has ARC-59 support can send or claim assets in someone’s Asset Inbox.

Updated on: 30/10/2024

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